04 Feb 2020

Travel To and From School by Bus
If you would like your children to travel to and/or from school by bus, they must carry a valid Opal Card, and tap on and off at the start and end of their journey. There are a number of options available to parents/carers:
You may apply for a School Travel Pass, which provides for free student travel from home to school and back. Eligibility requirements and online application form can be found at the Transport for NSW website: https://apps.transport.nsw.gov.au/ssts/schoolTravelPasses#/
If successful, a School Opal Card will be mailed to you within a few weeks.
If you are not eligible for free travel, you may purchase a School Term Bus Pass, which provides discounted student travel for one or more terms in the school year. The current cost is $55 per term, and the online application form can be found at the Transport for NSW website: https://apps.transport.nsw.gov.au/ssts/schoolTravelPasses#/termBusPass .
Once purchased, a School Opal Card will be mailed to you within a few weeks.
Youth Opal Cards can also be used for intermittent travel. You must ensure the card has enough credit for the cost of travel to and/or from school.
We are informed by Busabout, our local bus company, that students who do not present a valid Opal card when boarding will have their details recorded by the driver. Repeat offences may lead to travel suspension of up to 10 weeks, in line with the Transport for NSW Student Codes of Conduct, which will result in parents/carers being responsible for getting their children to and from school at their own expense.
We understand that Busabout allows a grace period of a few weeks at the beginning of the school year to allow for School Opal cards to arrive in the mail.
Please be aware that the school does not supply Opal Cards, and we cannot apply for Opal Cards on behalf of parents/carers.
If you have any questions, please contact one of the Deputy Principals on 4627 1800.