24 Mar 2020

Online approved mental health support services.
Head to Health can help you find digital mental health services from some of Australia's most trusted mental health organisations.
Provided by the Australian Department of Health, Head to Health brings together apps, online programs, online forums, and phone services, as well as a range of digital information resources.
Whether you are trying to improve your own sense of wellbeing, looking for help with something that is bothering you, or helping someone you care about-Head to Health is a good place to start.
e-headspace provides free online and telephone support and counselling to young people 12 - 25 and their families and friends. If you're based in Australia and going through a tough time, eheadspace can help.
Are you worried about novel coronavirus (COVID-19)?
Kids Helpline is still open to answer your call, email or WebChat There's a lot of information and confusion out there about COVID-19 and things feel a bit uncertain. If you're feeling stressed, worried or anxious, we're here for you. Give us a call, start a WebChat or send us an email.
Things might change or progress quickly. We'll make sure we keep you up-to-date on Kids Helpline here on our homepage and on our Instagram.
Need health info? You can call the Coronavirus Health Information Line on 1800 020 080.
On the Line's social health business model is anchored in supporting and counselling people in their relationships. We offer tailored services along the mental health continuum from high needs/crisis support, to the worried well, and integrated wellbeing.
Operating out of purpose built offices in Melbourne, our highly trained workforce delivers telephone, web chat and video counselling, and social media moderation services 24/7 to more than 100,000 people each year.
We have a workforce of over 90 professional counsellors, social workers and psychologists. Our counsellors are tertiary qualified in either psychology, social work or counselling and are required to have a minimum of 456 hours of post tertiary qualification counselling experience before joining.
All our counsellors are multi-skilled across telephone, web chat and video counselling modalities and highly experienced providing interventions from crisis support to general counselling and social health support.
On the Line's services are underpinned by a robust clinical governance framework that ensures the delivery of high-quality care and the maintenance of professional standards.
ParentWorks is a free online program for Australian parents and caregivers of children 2 to 16. It provides evidence-based parenting strategies to improve parenting skills, confidence and child behaviour. This means that the strategies in the program have been tested and found to work.
Parents and caregivers may find this program helpful for:
* Managing challenging child behaviours such as tantrums, aggression, noncompliance, inattentive or hyperactive behaviour, sibling conflict, getting ready for school and/or bed, and behaviours outside the home, such as problems in the supermarket
* Increasing their confidence in parenting
* Working as a team with their partner
Looking after your mental health during the coronavirus outbreak Beyond Blue recognises and understands the feelings of anxiety, distress and concern many people may be experiencing in relation to the coronavirus (COVID-19) and offers the following wellbeing advice.