04 May 2020

Dear Parents,
We hope everyone is staying safe and well during these challenging times and that students are finding the educational materials and support that we have been providing online and offline to be helpful and engaging.
There have been many adjustments made to accommodate learning during the past several weeks and with our reporting and assessment period approaching, it is timely to ensure that we maintain strong communication regarding what is required from schools, students and parents/carers in relation to this.
As a school we have made a conscious decision to reduce and adjust assessment tasks during this new educational time. Assessment will still be a tool used to measure learning and understanding, but may no longer reflect the assessment schedule issued at the start of the 2020 calendar year.
An updated Assessment calendar for Term 2 for each year group is below, will be issued to all students on year group Google Classrooms, placed on school website. Specific details and Assessment Notifications of upcoming assessment tasks will be communicated to students via google classrooms by their classroom teachers accompanied by a SMS to parents alerting them to the task.
Year 7 Assessment Schedule Term 2
Year 8 Assessment Schedule Term 2
Year 9 Assessment Schedule Term 2
Year 10 Assessment Schedule Term 2