18 Jun 2020
We are researchers from The University of Sydney. We are conducting a study called TEXTBITES, a healthy lifestyle program for adolescents 13-18 years.
TEXTBITES was developed by young people for young people. The study is sent by text messages, before and after school hours, and aims to support adolescents improve their eating, physical activity, mental wellbeing and general behaviours, e.g. time management. Adolescents also have the option to communicate with a health counsellor to receive more support.
The study runs for 12-months with the text message program running for 6-months and a 6-month follow-up phase. The study assessments are all conducted online and on the phone.
Now more than ever, young people need access to digital support programs to improve their health. We would be grateful if you could include the attached study advertisement in your school newsletter or share on your school social media channels. We have attached a postcard with the approved study advertising materials.
Full study details are available on our website (www.textbitesstudy.com).