12 Jul 2021

Dear Parents,
Given the highly contagious nature of the delta strain of the coronavirus, it is important that students stay at home this week and engage in their learning from home.
Teachers will be primarily using Google Classroom to deliver learning at home to students. A message from each faculty about their subjects will be on the website and Facebook by COB today.
The Department has supplied a number of ‘dongles’ for senior students to support their learning. Many laptops will be available for students to borrow, with a priority to support senior students.
Hard copy paper packs of learning will also be available for Years 7-10.
In some very limited instances, some students may not be able to stay at home and will need to come to school, for example if parents are essential workers. Please phone the school and let us know if your child will be attending.
Students who attend school will be required to wear a mask when indoors and to physically distance. Students who attend school will be under minimal supervision to engage in the same online learning that their year group are doing from home. Learning will occur in large spaces (such as the school hall) to maximise ventilation.
The canteen will be closed and the bubblers switched off.
Year groups will be separated during break times.
Some Year 12 students may be contacted by their teacher and offered time to come into school to work on their HSC projects and major works, or for other essential learning activities.
Please telephone (4627 1800) or email (ambarvale-h.school@det.nsw.edu.au):
• To register your interest in a laptop for your child (senior students a priority)
• To register your interest in a ‘dongle’ for your senior student
• To request a hardcopy pack
• If your child cannot learn from home, let us know that your child will be attending school this week.
• To ask any questions or to request clarification regarding our Learn from Home arrangements during COVID lockdown.