09 Aug 2021

To our year 12 students and Families,
I am aware a number of you are experiencing difficulties accessing NSW Health for your Pfizer vaccine this week, and I understand your concerns and frustrations.
This morning I have been advised this is currently occurring across many schools and personnel in the Dept of Education and NSW Health are working hard to resolve the issues.
Please be reassured the Dept of Education has shared student contact details with NSW Health.
I have been advised that many students will not receive their text until later today or even tomorrow.
Once you have your text, if you continue to experience difficulties, please contact the Year 12 Deputy Principal, Mrs Fitzgerald who is coordinating our support for students.
If by tomorrow afternoon you still have not received a text, again please contact Mrs Fitzgerald and let her know.
We will then work to contact NSW Health to solve each student's individual issue.
Kind Regards,
Ms Barnott-Clement