03 Sep 2021

Dear Students and Parents,
Welcome to Spring, and with it comes some key messages and important dates I would like to share with you;
- A continued well done to all our students who are staying connected to their learning either online or in hard copy packages. These are strange and crazy times as we make our way through a pandemic, so even if you are not managing to get all of your school work done, it is so important and we are so proud of you that you are staying connected each and every school day and making sure you are attempting as much work as you can.
- A huge thank you to our parents who are juggling all of life's demands, along with guidance and assistance for your children as you support their learning from home. You are doing an amazing job. I hope our recent videos to support our parents, presented by Ms Bunce and Mr Sorenson, have been helpful.
- Can I encourage all students to get involved next Thursday in our wonderful Create Connect Inspire Day.. This day is an opportunity for students to engage in a range of really innovative and fun wellbeing activities, and enjoy a much needed break for a few hours from screen learning. You can find further information on the website and the Face Book page.
- A huge 'well done' to our Year 11 students who created a video and pitched themselves as potential leaders for our Senior Leadership Team in 2022. Giving a speech is always hard, but giving one to a camera is even harder! I was so proud of our students and the quality of their messages as they put themselves forward for this form of leadership opportunity. Successful applicants will be announced soon.
- I am sure you have seen information in the media for a gradual return to school next term. There is a lot of information and it can become quite confusing. Here are the important dates.
Please note however, they will only come into effect if we are no longer an LGA of Concern.
So, there is a possibility that year 12 may be able to return in some form from 25 October 2021.
Year 11 may be able to return from 1 November and years 7,8,9 and 10 from 8 November 2021.
Again, these return dates will only occur if Campbelltown is no longer an LGA of Concern and students need to be ready to continue Learning From Home.
- For our year 12 students and parents, a REALLY important date is Tuesday 9 November 2021. This is the new start date for the HSC exams. When the full revised HSC timetable is published, we will let you know straight away.
Again a big thank you to our whole school community for working together and supporting each other.
Take care,
Ms Barnott-Clement