Ambarvale High School

Trust, Respect, Responsibility, Excellence, Cooperation

Telephone02 4627 1800

What we offer

Each school in NSW offers something slightly different depending on the community. Here's what we offer for you.

School map with all learning facilities identified


All canteens in NSW public schools must meet certain requirements. These include providing more healthy food and drink options – to make the healthy choice an easy choice for students. Visit Healthy school canteens to learn more.

Canteen Menu

Healthy Canteens Menu for AHS 2025.




When students wear a school uniform, they feel included in our school community.

Students, teachers, parents and carers, as well as members of our local community helped develop our school uniform to make sure it:

  • meets the requirements of occupational health and safety, anti-discrimination and equal opportunity legislation

  • includes items that are affordable, comfortable and made from easy-care and easy-wear fabrics

  • is appropriate for the full range of school activities

  • is suitable for all body shapes.

Learn more about the NSW Department of Education’s School Uniform Policy.

We are a community that promotes and supports the wearing of our school uniform. Our students wear their uniform with pride demonstrating a sense of connectedness to their school. We have three uniforms at Ambarvale High School:

Junior summer and winter uniform

The Junior inform items are:

Trousers or shorts

Plain navy blue pants - long or short or school PE shorts. No jeans, tights or thigh height shorts (closer to the knee).

Blouse or shirt

Skye Blue shirt with school logo - collared and sleeved available from Lowes.

Top, jumper, hoodie or jacket

Navy blue jumper or hooded jumper with school logo and or school jacket. School jumpers and jackets may be purchased from Lowes.


Black leather or suede shoes or black leather or suede joggers that enclose the upper foot, black laces - no coloured laces.


Ankle socks.

Tie and scarf

A school tie is optional and can be purchased from the office in winter, navy blue scarf with school logo is optionals and chan be purchased from Lowes.

Girls only

Navy tailored box pleat skirt (length no shorter than the mid thigh) - available from Lowes.

Senior summer and winter uniform

Senior girls 

  • Grey tailored box pleat skirt (length no shorter than the mid-thigh)
  • White shirt with school logo
  • Navy blue jumper or hooded jumper with school logo and or school jacket School jumpers and jackets may be purchased from Lowes
  • Black leather or suede shoes or black leather or suede joggers that enclose the upper foot, black laces - no coloured laces
  • Stockings may be worn, not black tights
  • School blazer (as desired)

Senior boys 

  • Plain grey pants - long or short pants
  • White shirt with school logo
  • Navy blue jumper or hooded jumper with school logo and or school jacket. School jumpers and jackets may be purchased from Lowes
  • Black leather or suede shoes or black leather or suede joggers that enclose the upper foot, black laces - no coloured laces
  • School blazer (as desired)

Physical education and sports uniform

Physical education (PE) uniform must be worn in PE and sport for health and safety reasons:

  • For PE classes, students must bring their PE uniform and get changed during class time.
  • Students are permitted to wear their sports uniform all day only on sports days.

For all years 7 to 11 the sport uniform is:

  • School sport shirt, school PE shorts or plain navy track pants.
  • Joggers, not rabens or ballerina shoes (flats) or standard leather school shoes.

Students in the senior school wear white shirts and a tie as an optional extra.

We encourage all of our students to bring a hat to school each day and follow the sun safety recommendations of the Department of Education.

Our school uniform can be purchased at Lowes and financial assistance is available to those families who may find it difficult to meet costs due to financial hardship.

We encourage all of our students to come to school neatly attired wearing their uniform appropriately. Jumpers and shirts all have our school logo and make our students identifiable within the broader community.

What not to wear

The following items are not part of the school uniform:

  • Tights or leggings
  • non school uniform 
  • tracksuit pants
  • shorts and skirts that are closer in length to a student's bottom than knee 
  • Coloured joggers
  • open-toed shoes
  • ballerina shoes (flats) of cloth/canvas shoes 
  • Patterned or coloured clothing 
  • logos that aren't the school logo 
  • hooded jumpers.

House Colours

Bradman (Blue) - Surnames A to E

Elliott  (Red) Surnames F to K

Fraser (Green) Surnames L to R

Goolagong (Yellow) Surnames S to Z

Hiring our facilities

You may apply to use our school’s facilities for appropriate purposes provided your hiring of the facility doesn't interfere with our teaching and learning programs.

We assess each application on a case-by-case basis. Find out more at Using school facilities.

If you’re interested in hiring our facilities, contact us for details.