Science is mandatory for all students from Year 7 to Year 10.
Science 7-10 provides a way of inquiring about the world around us. It explores evidence and investigates ways to discover, develop and produce solutions to real-world problems. Science emphasises the skills for working scientifically, as well as critical and creative thinking to address scientific issues.
Science at our school
Rel. DP (7, 9, 11) – Mrs Maynard Bachelor of Medical Science, Master of Teaching (Secondary)
Rel. Head Teacher – Miss Nunes Bachelor of Medical Science, Master of Teaching (Secondary)
Teaching Staff:
- Mrs Gray – Bachelor of Systems Agriculture, Mater of Teaching (Secondary)
- Miss Mar – International Bachelor of Science (Biological Sciences), Master of Teaching (Secondary)
- Mrs Francis-Wardrop –
- Miss Reilly – Bachelor of Environmental Science, Master of Teaching (Secondary)
- Mr Gates – Bachelor of Science (Biological Sciences), Master of Teaching (Secondary)
- Ms Cleuskens – Bachelor of Science (Biological Sciences), Master of Teaching (Secondary)
Science is mandatory for all students from Year 7 to Year 10.
Science develops students’ skills, knowledge and understanding in explaining and making sense of the biological, physical, and technological world. Through applying the processes of Working Scientifically students develop an understanding of the importance of scientific evidence in enabling them as individuals and as part of the community to make informed, responsible decisions about the use and influence of science and technology on their lives
Students are required to complete a Student Research Project in both Stage 4 and Stage 5.
Agriculture is studied in Year 7 to give a comprehensive curriculum. Agriculture in Years 9 and 10 is not mandatory and is chosen as an elective subject.
The study of Agricultural Technology provides students with opportunities to experience aspects of an agricultural lifestyle through direct contact with plants and animals. The study of a variety of enterprises allows students to make responsible decisions about the appropriate use of agricultural technologies.
Students explore career opportunities in agriculture and related service industries and investigate the viability of Australian agriculture through management of issues relating to the sustainability of agricultural systems, as well as the relationships between production, processing and consumption.
Science Years 11 and 12
In Years 11 and 12 students can elect to study Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Earth & Environmental Science, Investigating Science and/or Science Extension.
This course provides students with the opportunity to learn about variations in the structures and functions of organisms and provides an understanding of the effects of the environment on living things. Students investigate reproduction, inheritance patterns and the causes of genetic variation. Applications of this knowledge in biotechnology and genetic technologies are explored.
This course provides students with the opportunity to develop their knowledge, understanding and skills in relation to properties and structures of matter and a variety of chemical reactions incorporating organic compounds and acid/base equilibrium reactions.
This course provides students with the opportunity to develop their knowledge, understanding and skills relevant to the study of motion. Students examine energy in its different forms, and how we describe and measure electricity and magnetism and their interrelated effects.
Earth & Environmental
This course provides students with the opportunity to learn about the compositional layers of the Earth and investigate how processes of plate tectonics, the formation of water and the introduction of life interact with different spheres and climate.
Investigating Science
This course provides students with the opportunity to develop an understanding of the ethical, social, economic and political influences on science and scientific research in the modern world.
Science Extension
This course focuses on the authentic application of scientific research skills to produce a Scientific Research Report. Students propose and develop a research question, formulate a hypothesis and develop evidence-based responses to create their Scientific Research Report which is supported by a Scientific Research Portfolio.