01 May 2020

We are missing you!
An enormous thank you – to all of our families for your support and flexibility during the COVID 19 situation. Most families have been in a position to support their child/ren learning from home, either online or from hard copy packages. This has allowed the majority of our staff to teach from home on most days. Together we have been doing our bit to ‘flatten the curve’ and reduce the risk of COVID 19 in our community. Of course the school has been, and will continue to be open for the children of essential workers, and others in specific situations. There is a dedicated team of teachers and administrative staff on site every day.
Next week, week 2 (starting May 4) A reminder that next week we continue learning from home wherever possible. Students should be going into their ‘Google classroom’ at their timetabled time and following the teacher information and activities that are there for them, or working on their hardcopy packages.
From week 3 (starting May 11) All students will be returning to school at least one day per week. Mainstream students and Support unit students will have slightly different timetables.
Mainstream Students will be returning in their house groups;
Bradman students (surnames A to E) to attend on Mondays
Elliot students (surnames F to K) to attend on Tuesdays
Fraser students (surnames L to R) to attend on Thursdays
Goolagong students (surnames S to Z) to attend on Fridays
Note: Wednesdays are an additional day for Year 11 and 12 students who have projects, bodies of work or major works. Teachers of those classes will mostly be on site that day.
This includes: 11 Voc. Studies 11 Music 11 Vis Arts 11 M media 11 Timber 12 Music 12 Retail 12 Soc and Cult 12 Vis Arts 12 Drama 12 Ext Eng 2 12 Timber 12 ESL and 12 Sports Coaching.
Students in Year 11 and 12 are also encouraged to book appointments with their classroom teachers on days other than their assigned day, and when their teachers are on-site.
Our Support unit Classes will run on the following days;
Ironman is Monday and Tuesday
Colossus is Monday and Tuesday
Phoenix is Tuesday and Wednesday
Wolverine is Wednesday and Thursday
Falcon is Thursday and Friday
Mystique is Thursday and Friday
What if I don’t want my child to return to school, and would prefer they continue learning from home?
Our Government and health advisors continue to reassure us that schools are safe places for our students and staff.
As a school we are working really hard to ensure Ambarvale High School is very safe, with social distancing protocols in place, enhanced cleaning during the day and the availability of hand sanitiser for staff and students.
If you continue to have concerns and would like to discuss continued learning from home, please ring the school and speak to the Deputy Principal in charge of your child’s year group.
Social Distancing
Social distancing continues to be a vital strategy to keep students and staff, as well as the broader community, safe from increased rates of local transmission of COVID 19.
Students will be expected to socially distance from each other and from staff. I have attached our guidelines here. Can you please discuss these guidelines with your child and impress upon them the importance that they are followed. If students return to school and repeatedly fail to respect the guidelines, consequences may be put in place for the safety of all.
Please endeavour to only send your child to school on their designated day. In this way we can ensure suitable spacing for students and staff and successfully begin the transition back to school for everyone.
Teachers will be returning to work on-site two days of the week. On their designated days, these teachers will focus on the teaching and learning of the students on-site. They will not be entering the remote ‘Google classroom’ on those days, however ample work will be left in the ‘Google classroom’ for the students who are learning from home to continue on with their work.
The canteen will re-open from week 3, although they will have a reduced menu. We will share the menu when it becomes available. Please ensure your child brings their own drink bottle to reduce the risk of infection from public bubblers and water stations.
‘Busabout’ school buses will continue as normal on all days.
If parents need to contact the school, please utilise the telephone and email prior to an in person visit if you can. This will help us to limit and better manage the number of people onsite.
On behalf of our fabulous teachers and wonderful administrative staff, can I say how much we are looking forward to seeing all of our students and families again. We have missed you!
Louise Barnott-Clement