27 Jan 2022

To the wonderful Ambarvale High School Community,
The 2022 school year is about to begin, and we are really looking forward to seeing all our students return, and the arrival of our new Year 7!
Years 7, 11 and 12 begin next Tuesday (1/2) and Years 8, 9 and 10 on Wednesday (2/2)
I know many families may be feeling a little worried about the return to school because of COVID and current case numbers. This is very understandable, however please be reassured we are maximising our strategies to ensure a safe and positive start to the school year.
Please continue to have your children and family vaccinated (and booster shots where applicable) as this is a very important part of creating a safe school environment for all.
Getting ready for next week:
* All students will be required to wear a surgical mask at school (they are the blue, pleated papery ones). No cloth or vented masks are allowed. Students are asked to bring their own masks, but don't worry, if you haven't got any or you run out, we have a supply of extra masks for those occasional times students forget/don't have a mask.
* We will be distributing Rapid Antigen Tests on Monday 31 January to our families. On Friday this week (28/1) we will advertise distribution times for Monday based on alphabetical-by-surname timeslots. Students are strongly encouraged to use their tests every Monday and Wednesday morning (Tuesday or Wednesday, and Friday morning next week).
* Our classrooms will be well-ventilated with windows open and fans on. Where possible, some lessons will be held outdoors.
* Students are strongly encouraged to carry their own hand sanitiser and use it frequently throughout the day. Some hand sanitiser will also be available at school. Our school will continue to have enhanced cleaning throughout the school day, with a focus on touch points.
Together, we can do this If you have any concerns or queries, please email us at any time or, from Friday, phone the school to discuss your concerns.
Take care,
Ms Barnott-Clement