16 Mar 2020

Dear Parents, Carers and our School Community,
We understand that COVID 19 is causing some members of the community some anxiety.
The following information is being provided to you to give you a clear and current picture of the situation at Ambarvale High School in regards to reducing risk and maintaining consistency of teaching and learning.
Our school remains open.
All external events and excursions for the foreseeable future have been cancelled or postponed.
To avoid large groups gathering together, and in line with Government guidelines, we have cancelled and will avoid assemblies, incursions, sporting events and gatherings larger than a class.
Students are being reminded daily of good hygiene practices and social distancing. Hand washing protocols are on display in bathrooms. Soap and paper towel has been made available across the school, and we have sufficient supplies for the future.
We are lucky to have a very large and open playground space, and we continue to encourage students to utilise the full extent of playground space to maximise their social distancing.
Enhanced cleaning schedules are in place from today, with an emphasis on the cleaning of all surfaces.
Students or staff who present at school as unwell are being sent home to seek medical advice, and allowed to return when symptoms diminish or medical clearance is obtained
Louise Barnott-Clement