19 Jul 2021

Please be aware the NSW Dept of Education has strongly urged schools to minimise staff on site to a bare minimum (a handful or less). This is to support the urgent need to reduce the number of people out in the community in Greater Sydney in general, and in South West Sydney especially.
We are currently working on the best combination of teaching and administrative staff to meet our students’ needs.
Our phones have been diverted to a private line, and you may experience some delays as we adjust to this new system. Where possible, we would encourage you to consider email rather than telephone in the short term. ambarvale-h.school@det.nsw.edu.au
Thank you again for supporting your child to Learn From Home. Your efforts to do so are really appreciated and continue to contribute to keeping everyone safe. We are open for students that really need to be here (such as those whose parents are essential workers and cannot be at home). Given, however, our very minimum staff on site, we do ask that you email or telephone the school to let us know if your child needs to attend to ensure adequate staff on site moving forward.