Mindfulness Colouring Competition for years 7 & 8.
WINNER RECIEVES A $20 ITUNES GIFT CARD (when we return back to school)
Mindful colouring asks us to focus on how we choose and apply colour in a design to bring our awareness to the present moment. This process is similar to meditation, we let go of any thoughts about tomorrow or yesterday, or what we are going to do when we finish.
Attached are different Mindfulness colouring pages.
Choose one of them, or two, colour and take a photo and attach it to a post in your google classroom or you can email it to Natalie directly at natalie.safar@det.nsw.edu.au and she will choose a winner next Thursday at Midday.
There will be printed copies available at the office if you wish to collect a hardcopy.
Have Fun :)
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