Ambarvale High School

Trust, Respect, Responsibility, Excellence, Cooperation

Telephone02 4627 1800

Science Years 11-12


Science Years 11-12

In Years 11 and 12 students can elect to study Biology, Chemistry, Physics and/or Senior Science.



Biology in Stage 6 Science provides students with a contemporary and coherent understanding of the concepts explaining the functioning, origins and evolution of living things.



Chemistry in Science Stage 6 provides students with a contemporary and coherent understanding of

matter and its interactions. It focuses on investigating the physical and chemical Chem 2
properties of

substances, chemical reactions and processes, and the interaction of energy and matter, and attempts to explain and predict events at the atomic and molecular level.



Physics in Science Stage 6 provides students with a contemporary and coherent understanding of energy, matter, and their interrelationships. It focuses on investigating natural phenomena and then applying patterns, models (including mathematical ones), principles, theories and laws to explain the physical behaviour of the universe. It uses an understanding of simple systems (single particles and pairs of particles) to make predictions about a range of objects from sub-atomic particles to the entire universe and aims to reveal the simplicity underlying complexity.


Senior Science


The study of Senior Science Stage 6 provides students with a contemporary and coherent

understanding of some of the basic laws, theories and principles of Biology, Chemistry, Physics and

Earth and Environmental Science and their application. It includes an examination of the technology

that uses these laws, theories and principles and the impact of this science and technology on

society. It reflects the interdisciplinary nature of science with a focus on the interdependence of

science, technology and society.


Scope and Sequences

Support Unit Science Scope and Sequence 2019 

Prelim Biology 

Prelim Chemistry

Prelim Physics

HSC Biology

HSC Chemistry 

HSC Investigating Science

HSC Physics