Ambarvale High School

Trust, Respect, Responsibility, Excellence, Cooperation

Telephone02 4627 1800

Special Education

Ambarvale High School Support Unit is made up of approximately 62 students with a variety of learning needs. The unit consists of two Mild Intellectual Disability (IM) classes, two Moderate Intellectual Disability (IO) classes and two Multi-Categorical class (subject to change yearly). 

The staff consists of a total of six teaching staff, six School Learning Support Officers (SLSOs), one Clerical Assistant and one Job Coach designed to assist with the Work Experience Program.



Inspire Cafe

The image below is the winning logo designed by our students and in consultation with a design expert.


Inspire Café is the leading support unit food service, providing hot food and beverages such as whole meal chicken wraps and hot chocolate to staff and students across the entire school. This café was founded in 2014 to help successfully fund our support unit camp and deliver work experience opportunities to our students by learning and developing skills such as communication, social skills and further developing their literacy and numeracy skills, through consistent money handling as well as reading and writing recipes. Inspire Café operates on a weekly basis where students prepare and cook the food under the supervision of the Specialist Teacher and SLSO. Students are also encouraged to independently take and deliver orders to staff around the school, further developing their mannerism and community work ethic. Staff and students at Ambarvale High School are consistently supportive of the café and provide excellent feedback that has helped it grow exponentially each year.

The Inspire Café serves as a beacon to bridge the gap between education in the school setting and real world connections that form the foundation for students to develop pathways for post schooling life. The community environment in which has developed as a result of the Café continues to encourage all students within the school to build relationships with not only each other, but the whole process it self and to utilise these connections to foster positive relationships as they progress through their schooling life.

Profectus (Progress)

Profectus promotes the essential skills of the 21st Century Learner and Classroom. This evidence-based approach encourages students to get outside their comfort zone and promotes the 7 c's deemed essential for students. These include creativity, critical thinking, collaboration, curiosity, citisenship, communication and character.  Protocols such as ongoing drafting and critiquing, a celebration of learning and hook events are designed to create engagement and have been shown to enhance educational and individual development. Ambarvale High School Support Unit takes great pride in the learning opportunities it provides students with and encourages deep learning to occur to foster positive engagement that leads to all students achieving their own educational goals.  Project Based Learning (PBL) focuses on incorporating the local community, parents/carers and ‘experts' designed to facilitate students to constantly improve their work. Completed on a regular basis, students understanding the process is just as important as the reward and take great pride in their beautiful work.

Transition School To Work

This program provides students with the skills, knowledge, understanding, values and attitudes they need for employment, participation and independence in the community.

Better prepare schools students to participate in further education, training, employment and lifelong learning.

Social Skills

  • Education and enrichment of relational skills.
  • Personal presentation & hygiene.
  • Etiquette & social norms.

In-School Work Experience & Community Based Work Experience   

  • Learn about the world of work.
  • Patterns and variety of work.
  • Positive attitudes, commitment, work ethic.
  • Job Club conducted by service providers.
  • In-school work experience.
  • Community based work experience – as part of a work crew or independently.

Scope and Sequence 2019





LOTE - Spanish